July 19 - 21
Project Dance Paris is an international and intercultural event of dancers and gospel music that wants to bring out the beauty of Paris by honoring its culture. The attacks in January and November 2015 have shaken Paris and the whole nation of France. This vision of hope through dance was a highlight. We believe that love and beauty, manifested through art executed with integrity, are powerful tools to heal hearts and give hope. Thus, Project Dance Paris wants to move the beating heart of the capital of love to bring her healing and joy.
The purpose of the event is to offer a unique opportunity in France to all artists who want to be inspired and to contribute their talent to bring forth life in the heart of Paris.

Mix of sharing, connections and artistic explosion
An official table will be set up to receive the participants. They will meet the staff and finalize the steps of the weekend including registration for the dance master classes Sunday. They can also check the location of their appearance on stage and give notes, comments regarding their music. Each participant will receive a goody bag and a t-shirt of the event.
Project Dance creates one dance per year which is taught at each event. All dancers will learn this dance which they will perform throughout the Outdoor Concert. It's a unique opportunity for everyone to share the same dance floor at the same time.
The dancers mingle, come into contact with renowned choreographers, studio directors, professionals and can consider opportunities for joint projects in the future. Establishing a community, facilitating a network of artists, is the cornerstone of Project Dance's commitment to seeing dancers seize their next opportunities in this ever-changing dance environment.
The launch of each dance project is followed by a Project Dance Live. A unique evening of celebration! Professional companies perform their latest works, famous artists are interviewed and all dancers are enriched by the answers and advice of those who are making a career on stage.
​The centerpiece of every Project Dance event is the Outdoor Concert. Historically, we bring artists out of studios and theaters into the streets, making dance and gospel music accessible to everyone. We want to use this concert to release beauty, hope and joy in hearts through the universal language of dance. Jazz, modern, classical dance, tap dancing, hip-hop... Every style is welcomed. What unites artists during Project Dance is the desire to evolve with integrity to inspire. Art has a way of reaching the depth of our being and the pieces presented on stage reflect this understanding.
This celebration time is one of the favorite activity of Project Dance. It is a time of recognition and sharing of the experiences and testimonies of the day. The participants sing and dance together and rejoice of the day they have just spent. It is also a time where artists ca associate their faith with their art.
What better way to start the day on Sunday! This gathering, which is not compulsory, will consist of a key message from one of the project dance leaders, songs and encouraging stories for our inspiration. The objective of this time is to spend a moment together and to see more in depth our mission as an artist and as a people of faith.
Training is the discipline specific to each dancer. Project Dance values and supports training that allows each dancer to expand, flourish and grow their talent from their level. We are always excited to welcome teachers and dance professionals with a variety of styles. Project Dance is committed to providing top classes for participating dancers with a faculty that conveys respect, encouragement and love of dance.
(2025 to be announced)

Registration fees of 2024 :
Before June 1st : 200 €
After June 1st: € 250
It is recommended to those who can not be present at all wend-end activities to register, however, for the entire event.
Registration deadline : July 5th, 2024. (After this date, please contact us..)
Your registration will be totally effectif once we have all the informations required (payment, musics and videos). Project dance Paris reserve the right to prevent anyone from performing the Saturday if their informations are not complete.
Included in the price
3 days include: an Open Air Dance Day, Master Classes, Stands for Speakers, a Concert Live Project Dance, a dance that made the World Tour, a Surprise Bag and more.
Not included in the price
Transportation, food and housing.
Read carefully, here is all the information you need to register.
Group registrations
We welcome groups and companies. A place is provided by registration of group of 10 people / dancers. Each participant must, however, have their own registration online. For managers who wish to participate in three days, it is recommended to register with the possibility of using the 11th offered to the group. Teachers are also encouraged to register. For more information or any other questions regarding registration, thank you for contacting us.
Individual registrations
A dancer can come alone. In addition to your solo, you will learn a group choreography taught by Project Dance in all cities where the event will be held. You will have the opportunity to dance during the Outdoor Concert with all other participants.

Please send us your music in mp3 format by email at projectdanceparis@gmail.com
Stating the following information:
THE GROUP NAME / TRACK NAME. You will also need your music on an USB keys (in case of a problem) for the music manager.

Thank you to send, before July 5th, the video of your performance in an online format, easy viewing and choice of costumes at paris@projectdance.com stating the following informations : THE GROUP NAME / TRACK NAME.
We are asking you to send us the video that early in case we need you to change something, for you to have the time to work on it before the event. Even if your choreography is not done please send us what you have at the due date or before.
​Project Dance staff asks each group / individual to submit a copy of their works which will be seen before the event. Project Dance reserves the right to make suggestions and ask for changes to your music suggestions / lyrics / movements / costumes.
Dancers who would not have sent their videos will not be on the Saturday outdoor concert program. ​
All pieces must be seen by all generations. Past the deadline, there will be no guarantee of passing on stage. For any group or individual registered, we advise you to prepare two or three pieces.
Solo : 3 minutes maximum. Group : 5 minutes maximum.

The deadline for registration is July 5th.
Beyond that date, you should contact Project Dance by email to paris@projectdance.com. We encourage participants to take advantage of early registration offers before June 1st, at the bottom of the page. If you register at the last minute, there will be additional charges.

Accompanying / Family Members
The Open Air concert is open to all. The coaches and family members benefit from preferential rates to attend the Project Dance Live and participate in Master Classes.

Cancellation conditions
If for whatever reason you are obliged to cancel your arrival, half of the registration fee will be refunded after the event.

Age limit
There is no age limit to pursue a dance career. We are aware of age differences within a group or a school. However we ask minors to be accompanied by an adult.

Housing Information / hotel
We are encouraging you to use the Airbnb website : https://www.airbnb.fr/

AD Deum

Project dance presentation
We are at your disposal to give you all the additional information you may need.